
Hello everyone! I will not talk much, but what I mean is "you will love it." So enjoy the free website that is made for those who are a beginner and those in the middle and experts in HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). Grab your free HTML codes here! Everything from the basic codes of HTML, cood source codes, including free cursor codes!

You can copy and paste these codes directly into your website, and in most cases, your MySpace page.When you begin designing your HTML web pages, you may find that many HTML courses fall short when it comes to providing you with special effect HTML code and advice.

Line Break in html pages using

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Line breaks in html pages can be given by using <br> tag. It does not have any end tags and it can be used at any place within the body tags of the page. Inside table cells and other simple areas also we can use line break tag <br>. More than one break tags can be used to give more line breaks. In a text area if you are using any line breaks then it does not convert on its own to line breaks in html pages. As a result of this many time you will find posting by users or after the form is submitted the page get stretched horizontally without any line breaks. There are different ways to convert the line breaks in html pages, you can see php example of converting line breaks for html web pages. We will discuss here simple html line breaks and its uses.

This is line one <br>
This is line two after one line break<br>
This is line three after two line breaks<br>

The output is here

This is line one
This is line two after one line break

This is line three after two line breaks